How Many Days Does It Take To Learn To Snowboard?

Are you ready to conquer the snowy slopes and experience the exhilaration of snowboarding? The thought of learning a new sport can be daunting, especially one that involves strapping your feet onto a board and hurtling down a mountain. With the right mindset and preparation, you’ll be carving up the powder like a pro in … Read more

Can You Snowboard On Grass?

As you glide down the lush, green slope, the crisp air nips at your cheeks. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you’re shredding on a snowboard…on grass? Yes, you read that right – we’re talking about the latest trend in extreme sports – grass snowboarding. But before you dismiss it as just … Read more

How To Snowboard In The Rain?

Imagine standing atop a snow-capped mountain, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you prepare to conquer the slopes. But just as you’re about to take off, you feel a few raindrops on your face. Your heart sinks and you think, “Well, there goes my day of snowboarding.” But don’t let those pesky raindrops ruin your … Read more

Are Snowboard Bindings Universal?

Are Snowboard Bindings Universal?

If you are a snowboarder, you are going to want to fine-tune your binding set-up for a comfortable ride. Snowboard bindings are an integral part your snowboarding experience, and without a proper fit your fun time will be cut short. Now that you know which type of binding will work best for you, I’ll show … Read more