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Is It Ok To Leave Floats In The Pool?

Imagine this: the scorching sun beating down on you as you relax by the pool, drink in hand. The last thing you want to think about is cleaning out the pool and storing away those pesky floats, right? Well, what if I told you that leaving floats in the pool can actually have some serious consequences? Still skeptical? Let me explain further:

  • While pool floats may seem innocent enough, they can actually disrupt the delicate chemical balance of your pool water.
  • Allowing them to remain in the water for extended periods of time can lead to unsightly algae growth and harmful bacteria buildup.
  • And let’s not forget, those bright and colorful inflatables can also impede proper circulation and filtration of your pool.
  • Not to mention the constant annoyance of having to retrieve deflated floats from the bottom of your pool.

I’m not here to rain on your summer parade. In fact, I have some valuable advice on how to properly care for your beloved pool floats and ensure they last all season long.

So, sit back, take another sip of your drink, and continue reading to discover why saying goodbye to those floats at the end of each day is a vital step in maintaining a pristine and healthy pool.

Is It OK to Leave Floats in The Pool?

Floats can be a fun and relaxing way to enjoy your pool, but it’s important to consider the environmental and usage factors that can affect their lifespan.

Environmental Factors:

  • Sunlight: UV rays from the sun can cause floats to fade, crack, and deteriorate over time.
  • Temperature: Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can also damage floats.
  • Chemicals: Chlorine and other pool chemicals can cause floats to become brittle and weak.
  • Debris: Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate on floats, providing a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

Usage Factors:

  • Overuse: Using floats too frequently can put stress on the material and cause it to break down.
  • Improper Storage: When not in use, floats should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Improper Cleaning: Floats should be cleaned regularly with a mild detergent and water.

Usage Table :

Usage Factor Effect on Float
Overuse Can cause stress on the material and cause it to break down
Improper Storage Can cause floats to fade, crack, and deteriorate
Improper Cleaning Can cause floats to become brittle and weak

Pool Chemicals and The Sun Are Killing Your Pool Float

Pool chemicals and the sun can have a significant impact on the lifespan of pool floats.

Let’s delve into how each factor affects the durability of these fun and essential pool toys.

Effects of Pool Chemicals:

As stated in the research notes, chlorine is crucial for keeping swimming pools clean and safe by eliminating bacteria, algae, and other harmful microorganisms.

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However, this same chlorine can also harm pool floats. It has the ability to break down or discolor the materials of floats, decreasing their lifespan.

Moreover, fluctuating chlorine levels caused by exposure to sunlight can also contribute to the deterioration of pool floats. When the levels are too high or too low, it can lead to premature wear and tear of the materials.

Effects of Sun Exposure:

Exposure to sunlight is another major factor that can damage pool floats. The UV rays from the sun can cause colors to fade and materials to become brittle, increasing their susceptibility to tears and punctures. This is especially true for floats made from plastic or vinyl.

Also Related:  Are Baby Pool Floats Safe?

Furthermore, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause air-filled pool floats to expand and eventually burst. This not only renders the float unusable but also creates a potential safety hazard.

Leaving Pool Floats In Your Pool Hinders Its Filtration

Pool floats can hinder the filtration of your pool in multiple ways. Firstly, they can cause the pool to rise, making it challenging for the filtration system to function effectively. This can be triggered by heavy rains or floods, which increase the water table pressure beneath the pool.

Additionally, pool floats can also obstruct the skimmer and drain, resulting in inadequate circulation and filtration of the water.

To prevent this issue, proper drainage and weight distribution are crucial. This means ensuring that the pool is built on stable and even ground, as well as having efficient drainage systems in place to handle excess water.

Regular maintenance practices such as monitoring water levels and maintaining balanced water chemistry can also aid in preventing floating pools.

5 Simple Storage Ideas For Pool Floats and Pool Toys

  • Pool float caddy – invest in a pool float caddy to elevate your floats and toys off the ground and out of the water when not in use. Not only does this add a touch of sophistication to your pool area, but it also protects your items from damage.
  • Dedicated storage bin or container – designate a special spot for all your pool floats and toys, such as a large plastic tub or a repurposed laundry basket. This ensures that your items are kept together and easily accessible when needed.
  • Vertical storage options – maximize space by utilizing hanging hooks or wall-mounted racks to store your floats and toys off the ground. This not only keeps them organized but also prevents any damage from being stored on the ground.
  • Inflatable storage bags – keep your inflatable pool floats and toys in top condition by storing them in specially designed bags. These bags provide protection from harsh sun exposure and other environmental factors, ensuring your items last for many summers to come.
  • Mesh bag or basket – for smaller pool accessories, use a mesh bag or basket to contain them and keep them easily accessible. This is perfect for items like goggles, pool balls, and other small toys that tend to get scattered around.

Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Floats:

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  • Use floats only when you’re actually in the pool.
  • Store floats in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use.
  • Rinse floats off with clean water after each use.
  • Clean floats regularly with a mild detergent and water.
  • Check floats for damage before each use.


In conclusion, while it may be tempting to leave your pool floats lazily floating in the water after a day of relaxation, doing so can have serious consequences.

The chemicals and harsh rays of the sun can cause damage to the floats and disrupt the delicate balance of your pool’s filtration system. To maintain a pristine and healthy pool, it is crucial to properly care for your floats by storing them in a shaded area when not in use.

This simple step can save you from costly repairs and replacements down the line. And if you want to go above and beyond, investing in storage solutions such as caddies, bins, or racks will provide even more protection for your beloved floats.

So next time you’re basking in the sun by the pool with a refreshing drink in hand, take that extra step and bid farewell to those pesky floats at the end of each day.