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How Long Do Pool Floats Last?

Are you prepared to plunge into the captivating realm of pool floats? From leisurely summer afternoons to epic pool bashes, these buoyant inflatables have been a fundamental part of backyard pools for generations.

But have you ever pondered about the longevity of your beloved pool float? Well, prepare to be astounded as we delve deep into the journey of a pool float from its inception to its eventual retirement.

  • Unearth the intriguing history of pool floats and their evolution over time
  • Discover the various materials used in production and their impact on durability
  • Learn about the average lifespan of a pool float and expert tips on extending its endurance
  • Expose common causes of damage and effective prevention strategies
  • Gain insider insights on proper maintenance and storage techniques
  • Plus, uncover fascinating facts and intriguing details about pool floats that will surprise you.

So, grab your sunscreen and join us on this exhilarating voyage as we explore the lifespan of pool floats. Get ready to make a splash with your newfound knowledge.

Deflate after use:

Deflating pool floats after use is a crucial step that should not be overlooked for various reasons.

1. Prevents wear and tear One of the main reasons for deflating your pool float after each use is to prevent wear and tear. Leaving them inflated can cause damage to the seams and valves, leading to leaks or tears. Regularly deflating your pool float can help extend its lifespan, ensuring it’s ready to use for many summers to come.
2. Protects against environmental damage Prolonged exposure to water, sunlight, and other environmental factors can weaken and deteriorate the material of a pool float, making it more prone to damage. Deflating the float after use and storing it properly can protect it from damage and extend its lifespan.
3. Distributes usage Frequent use means more exposure to water, heat, chemicals, and other elements that can cause wear and tear on a pool float. Deflating the float after each use and rotating between different floats can help distribute the wear and tear, prolonging the lifespan of each individual float.
4. Maintains cleanliness Cleaning a pool float after each use is essential to maintain its appearance and prevent discoloration. Deflating the float makes it easier to clean thoroughly, ensuring no traces of chlorine or dirt remain on the surface.
5. Prolongs lifespan In conclusion, deflating pool floats after use is an important maintenance step that can significantly prolong their lifespan. It helps protect against wear and tear, environmental factors, frequent use, and maintains the cleanliness of the float, ensuring it can be used for many summers to come.

In short, properly caring for your pool float by deflating it after use is crucial in maintaining its durability and prolonging its lifespan.

Storage temperature:

The temperature at which you store your pool floats can significantly impact their lifespan. Exposure to extreme temperatures, whether high or low, can cause damage to the materials, leading to a shorter usage period.

Thus, it is crucial to store pool floats in a cool, dry place that is shielded from direct sunlight and extreme temperature changes. This will not only protect the materials but also make them more comfortable for use.

To illustrate this point, let’s take a look at the following table that summarizes how different storage temperatures can affect pool floats:

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Storage Temperature Impact on Pool Floats
High Temperatures (> 70°F) – Can cause warping or melting of plastic/vinyl materials

  • Can lead to misshapen and uncomfortable pool floats
  • Low Temperatures (< 50°F) – Can make materials brittle and prone to cracking or breaking

  • Can put stress on seams of inflatable pool floats
  • Ideal Temperature (50-70°F) – Ensures materials remain stable

    • Prevents excess softness or hardness
    • Protects against temperature-related damage

    As shown in the table, storing pool floats in high temperatures (above 70°F) can cause warping or melting of plastic/vinyl materials, leading to misshapen and uncomfortable pool floats.

    On the other hand, storing them in low temperatures (below 50°F) can make the materials brittle and prone to cracking or breaking, putting stress on the seams of inflatable pool floats. Therefore, it is best to store them in an ideal temperature range of 50-70°F.

    This will ensure that the materials remain stable, preventing any excess softness or hardness and protecting against temperature-related damage.

    To guarantee the longevity of your pool floats, it is recommended to store them in a climate-controlled room or garage, especially in areas with extreme temperatures.

    Additionally, it is crucial to avoid storing them in direct sunlight as the UV rays can weaken and fade the colors of the materials, making them more susceptible to damage from high or low temperatures.

    Sunlight and pool floats:

    The sunlight and pool floats: a delicate balance between lifespan and exposure. The following table delves deeper into how different pool float materials are affected by sunlight:

    How Long Do Pool Floats Last-3

    Material Type Sunlight’s Impact
    Vinyl Fading, cracking, and brittleness
    Foam Dry rot, warping, and discoloration
    Mesh Fading and fiber weakening
    Inflatable plastic or rubber Discoloration, cracking, and deflation due to UV damage
    Neoprene or nylon Fading and fabric weakening
    Mesh fabric with PVC coating Fading, cracking, and peeling of the coating material

    As illustrated in the table, all types of pool float materials are vulnerable to damage when exposed to sunlight. This is because the UV rays in sunlight can break down the chemical bonds in these materials, causing them to deteriorate and weaken.

    Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can also cause pool floats to lose their vibrant colors and fade into dullness. This is especially true for vinyl, a commonly used material for pool floats due to its durability and water-resistance.

    However, vinyl is highly susceptible to UV damage and can start fading and losing its color after just a few hours of direct exposure to sunlight.

    Apart from direct harm to pool floats, sunlight can also indirectly affect their lifespan by reducing the efficacy of chemicals used for maintaining a clean pool.

    As stated in the research notes, chlorine is a crucial chemical for sanitizing pool water, but it can be easily broken down by sunlight. This can lead to a less sanitary environment and the need for more frequent chemical treatments, which can also impact the durability of pool floats.

    Harmful objects:

    Pool floats are a must-have for any pool party or relaxing day at the pool. However, there are several everyday objects that can cause damage to these floats and shorten their lifespan. These harmful objects include excessive levels of chlorine, exposure to pool shock, robotic pool cleaners, dead heads, acidic pH levels, low water levels, and improper use of chemicals.

    One of the main culprits for damaging pool floats is excessive exposure to chlorine. While this chemical is essential for maintaining a clean and safe pool environment, too much of it can be detrimental to pool equipment, including floats. In addition, exposure to pool shock – a concentrated form of chlorine used to treat pool algae and bacteria – can also lead to damage of pool floats.

    Another common harmful object for pool floats is robotic pool cleaners. While these devices do make cleaning the pool easier, they should be removed from the water once their cycle is complete. Prolonged exposure to water can cause deterioration and harm to the floats.

    Dead heads – closed valves or winter plugs that are still in place – can also pose a threat to pool floats. When these objects are not removed, they can create water hammer effects that can damage pipes and equipment.

    Furthermore, acidic pH levels in pools can also be detrimental to both the floats and other equipment. Acidic water can cause rusting and corrosion of metal parts, such as the heat exchanger in pool heaters.

    Low water levels in pools can also result in damage to both the floats and other equipment. When the water level is too low, pumps may lose prime and overheat, leading to damaged parts and pipes.

    Improper use of chemicals is another common cause of damage to pool floats. Adding chemicals incorrectly or at the wrong time of day can render them ineffective or even harm the pool and equipment. It is crucial to always carefully read instructions before using chemicals in your pool.

    Lastly, algaecides can also be harmful to pool floats. While they are used to prevent algae growth, they can also lower chlorine levels in the pool. It is important to follow manufacturer instructions and keep the pump running for full coverage when using algaecides. Additionally, when vacuuming out algae from the pool, be sure to use the “waste” setting to prevent its return.

    An anecdote from my own experience: Last summer, I hosted a pool party for my friends and family. We were having a great time until someone accidentally spilled a bottle of chlorine into the pool.

    Proper cleanliness:

    Proper cleanliness is crucial for maintaining the durability of your pool inflatables. It is highly recommended to clean them after each use and give them a thorough deep cleaning at least once a month. This practice not only prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, but also ensures that your floats remain in excellent condition for future use.

    Cleaning your pool floats after every use is a simple yet effective way to maintain their cleanliness and prolong their lifespan. However, it’s not enough to just rinse them off with water. To truly eliminate any potential bacteria or germs, it is important to use an appropriate cleaning solution and give them a thorough scrubbing.

    In addition to regular cleanings, giving your pool floats a deep clean once a month is essential for keeping them in top condition. This involves using a disinfectant solution and thoroughly scrubbing every nook and cranny of the float. You can also let them soak in the solution for a few minutes before scrubbing to ensure all bacteria and germs are eradicated.

    Not only does proper cleaning help maintain your pool floats, but it also ensures the safety of anyone using them. Harmful bacteria and germs can easily spread through contact with dirty inflatables, causing illness or infection. By regularly cleaning and deep cleaning your floats, you can prevent these potential health hazards and enjoy your pool time worry-free.


    In conclusion, pool floats have been a beloved staple of backyard pools for generations. But have you ever wondered about their lifespan? In this article, we delved into the intriguing history and evolution of pool floats, explored the various materials used in production and their impact on durability, and learned about expert tips to extend their endurance.

    We also uncovered common causes of damage and effective prevention strategies, gained insider insights on proper maintenance and storage techniques, and discovered fascinating facts and details that will surprise you.

    Lastly, prioritizing proper cleanliness through regular cleanings and deep cleanings not only maintains the durability of your pool inflatables but also ensures the safety of anyone using them.